Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Northeast Tour Day 3 (Brookville Pennsylvania)

Our day today was not really OUR day, it was actually Liz and Joe's day. The wedding of our friends, Liz and Joe, was the whole purpose of this trip. I would like to thank them, congratulate them, honor them, and support them in their journey through life together. Congratulations to you both.
The wedding was held in an absolutely lovely, stone church along the banks of a lazily flowing river. We showed up a little early so that Ursa could help Liz with her makeup. While she was doing that, I mostly just marveled at all the people who made a point to take over some form of duties. This was very much the traditional wedding, with every brother, sister, aunt, uncle and distant cousin finding some way to chip in and find a role to play, be it in the kitchen, or organizing the reception area, shuffling decorations, herding children, building flower arrangements, and on and on; everyone had something. It was a trundling dance of chaotic efficiency. Perhaps others may not marvel at the inner workings of a large family in the same way that I do, but it's not something that I'm all that experienced with. It was fascinating.
The wedding itself was lovely, the church clad in fall colors and harvest decor such as pumpkins and gourds, indian corn and wheat stalks lain liberally about. The ceremony, performed by Liz's father, Tim, was light and heart felt.
Afterwards, at the reception, we all got to see the results of everyone's hard work, especially that of our friends Katie and Autumn who did a lion's share of work over several days to help pull the whole event together, including making her famous pumpkin rolls which are so unbelievably addictive that I'm going to have to ween myself slowly off of them in order to avoid going through withdrawals.
All in all it was a fantastic wedding, and a lovely gathering of friends and family, and we wish Liz and Joe nothing but love, happiness, and our warmest of regards.

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